Cleansing Crystals: How to cleanse your crystals for optimum results

Crystals have been used for healing purposes since ancient times, and it’s easy to see why. These rocks radiate energy, and by harnessing the energy from crystals, we can tap into their powerful healing properties. However, before you can harness those properties, you need to cleanse them of the negative energy they absorb from your surrounding environment. Here’s how to cleanse your crystals for optimum results.

Cleanse Crystals

Benefits of Cleansing Crystals

Cleansing Crystals can help you cleanse negative energy and allows you to shift energies in a more positive direction. This can benefit you and those around you by promoting clarity of thought. Spiritual cleansing will remove any bad feelings, thoughts or memories connected with your crystals. This allows you to create new possibilities and directions in your life when using these spiritual tools of crystal healing. Here we will go over the basics of crystal cleansing.

How to Cleanse Your Crystals

Crystals should be cleansed before you first use them, and then periodically throughout their lives to ensure they are operating at their full potential. A simple crystal-cleansing practice can help bring out their best energy. There are many ways to go about cleansing crystals, but we recommend a salt water bath or smudging with sage or palo santo. It’s also helpful to keep the crystals in a silk pouch or wrapped in velvet fabric when not in use so they don’t come into contact with other materials that might cause an energetic shift.

Signs That Your Crystals Need Cleansing

Crystals, like humans, are not immune to environmental pollutants and environmental stresses. This is why crystal care is essential. If you notice any of these signs that your crystals need cleansing, it’s best to follow a purification ritual right away. Here are some of those signs:

  • Loses its luster, clarity or color;

  • Stops feeling good in your hand;

  • Creates negative effects on people or animals around it

  • Contains trapped energies within itself.

Recommended Crystal Cleanse Methods

The most popular crystal cleansing method is placing them in a solution of warm water and sea salt, or in a bath under running purified water. Other crystals experts recommend putting them outside overnight under a full moon, wrapping them in natural fibers such as cotton, rose petals or leather. Or you can simply take some time every day with each crystal individually. Here are some other simple techniques to cleansing crystals.

Physical Cleanse

Physical cleansing can be as simple as rinsing off with water or wiping down a crystal with plain rubbing alcohol. It’s important to physically cleanse crystals before you use them in any kind of ceremony, and when they are used frequently. Some people choose to do a physical cleanse by rinsing off their crystals once per week, but you may find that less frequent is more effective for you.

Energy Cleanse

To ensure that you’re getting rid of all negative energy, it is best practice to fully cleanse your crystals after any ritual or spell that involves using them. Many people forget about cleansing crystals until they start feeling sick, get into a fight with their partner, or otherwise feel as though their crystal isn’t working properly. This can be avoided by simply cleaning them on a regular basis. Regularly cleansing and caring for your crystals will lead to increased effectiveness and better health for you!

Water Magic Bath

Your body is made up of around 80% water, so it makes sense that cleansing crystals can help you remove toxins and impurities. You can also use them in other ways, such as by placing them in a bath or using them to tap into their healing power. Imagine how good they’ll feel when they’re charged with magical energy!

The Palo Santo Method

Palo Santo is known to increase energy, promote healing, and radiate positive energy. For cleansing crystals, I like to place them in a bowl of Palo Santo wood shavings and allow them to sit overnight (or while at work) before putting them back into their bag or storage container. A quick but effective method! Crystal care is really important—if you aren’t caring for your crystals properly, they could easily go out of alignment.

Where to get cleansing supplies

The supplies you’ll need to cleanse crystals will differ, depending on which system you follow. If you’re not sure what system to use, read up on a few different ones and then ask around (or get a reading) about which method would be best for you. Here are some sites that offer cleansing supplies of all kinds. Often The Heart of Wellness LA has sage, crystals, and other supplies in her KB5 Design Studio Location or shop online at The Heart of

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