Bio-Hacking 101: Bio-Hacking Your Way to Better Health

Bio-hacking has been gaining popularity in recent years as more and more people realize how much of an impact their environment and daily habits have on their health. Now, with new technologies and techniques like energy healing, bio-hackers are able to go even further in helping their bodies recover from illness, disease, stress, and even injuries faster than ever before.

This article will explain what bio-hacking is, why it’s so effective in boosting your body’s natural healing abilities, and how you can get started on your own healing journey with energy healing.

Bio-hacking 101

The Basics: What is Bio-Hacking?

Bio-hacking is a term for using technology or daily practices to monitor and modify biology. These tools can help you overcome bad habits and keep up with self-improvement efforts. For example, if you’re trying to be less critical, eat healthier or lose weight, biohacking makes it easy—and fun—to track what you eat or even how much water you’re drinking with apps, trackers, and other wearable devices.

Bio-hacking isn’t just about tech. It involves any number of strategies that improve your physical performance through mental and/or physical stimulation. For example, bio-hacking includes things like meditation and visualizations, ice baths, etc. which are great ways to boost brain power and overall well-being, which will be our focus.


Understanding and listening to our bodies and tracking their patterns are the first steps to bio-hacking yourself. Using tools such as tech, supplements, and physiological stressors (the good kinds) is what is needed to truly bio-hack your whole system to break bad habits and create healthier cycles. Bio-hacking is all about using innovative techniques and tools (bio-hacks) for maximizing productivity, longevity, and quality of life.

Some bio-hacks involve changing habits or behavior mindsets, others are fairly simple tweaks like exercising, and some involve taking supplements that change our physical composition. For example, studies have shown that curcumin can help reduce inflammation, improve memory function, and even stave off cancer. In this article, we will focus on the basic actions you can take to get started.

Comment below if you would like to see an article that features bio-hacking tech!

Practices and Techniques

Understanding and listening to our bodies and tracking their patterns are the first steps to bio-hacking yourself. Using tools such as tech, supplements, and exercises is the work that needs to be put in to truly bio-hack your whole system, and break bad or unhealthy cycles.

Bio-hacking is all about using innovative techniques and tools (bio-hacks) for maximizing productivity, longevity, and quality of life. Some bio-hacks involve changing habits or behavior (e.g., meditation); others are fairly simple tweaks like exercising, and some involve taking supplements that change our physical composition. For example, studies have shown that curcumin can help reduce inflammation, improve memory function, and even stave off cancer. In this article, we will focus on the basic actions you can take to get started.

6 Ways to Bio-Hack For Optimal Health

As our environment becomes increasingly polluted and artificial, natural solutions for optimal health are more important than ever. The practice of bio-hacking encompasses a number of different ways to maximize health through science-backed practices, including acupuncture and mind-body medicine. But how does it work? Here are six ways to bio-hack for optimal health.

1. Grounding

People often think that grounding is just a form of meditation, and while it can be used as one, there are also many other uses for grounding. Grounding involves connecting yourself with Mother Earth and her energies. It’s important to note that grounding does not necessarily require sitting in a lotus position on a mountain top; you can ground yourself anywhere at any time. Sitting outside during lunch and taking off your shoes to feel direct contact with grass or dirt (or sand) is an example of grounding. Even visualizing walking barefoot through dewy grass after a rainstorm will do wonders for clearing your mind and reducing stress levels.

Heart of Wellness Community

We will be offering a wonderful technique for grounding on our channel, so stay tuned. To balance our bodies, we need a strong connection between our physical selves and nature, which means we need to get away from our screens once in a while. We have unknowingly programmed ourselves to be bombarded with information and stimulation (often the wrong kind) on a regular basis.

2. Organ Supplements

As opposed to allopathic medicine, which is drug or chemical-based and treats symptoms, organ supplements in holistic medicine focus on restoring balance within bodily systems. They also seek to optimize cellular function rather than simply stopping disease or illness processes. This means that organ supplements offer powerful benefits for general well-being as well as for treating specific conditions. If you are new to bio-hacking, one of your first steps should be learning about organ supplements.

I know the idea of “eating” organ meat can turn one’s stomach; depending on the culture you grew up in.  Historically, our ancestors did not waste ANY part of the hunt. Nowadays, we have the technology to encapsulate organic grass fed organs (Yeah modernization). There are herbal blends that  have been used by traditional healers for thousands of years and can do wonders for our bodies when we give them a chance. When our internal systems such as our gut are working in healthy harmony, our entire well including cognitive functions improves.

3. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a relatively new health trend that has gotten a lot of press recently. As its name suggests, it involves regularly alternating between periods of eating and fasting, usually for 16 hours at a time.  And actually, not that hard to do.   If you have your last meal at 5 or 6 pm, go to sleep at 9 or 10p then don’t eat until after 9 or 10 am, YOU DID IT!

The idea is that many diseases are related to our modern diet; Intermittent Fasting breaks unhealthy habits like eating late at night or taking quick bites throughout the day. It can help you lose weight, detoxify your body and improve your health overall. Always consult your doctor before attempting any extreme fasting techniques

4. Change the quality of your sleep

Sleep quality is the best indicator of your wellness. If you are not getting quality sleep, there is a very good chance that you have not optimized your body to its fullest potential and probably missing out on things that would make life a little easier. Proper sleep will slow down or reverse the aging process, improve your mental clarity and increase energy levels, so it’s important to find ways to get the right amount of sleep every night.

5. Gratitude Journal

One of my favorite biohacks is to keep a daily gratitude journal. When you focus on being grateful for what you have in life, it really changes how you view and interact with every part of it. Over time, and with persistence, it can even change how your brain chemistry works, which in turn can help break unhealthy habits. That’s because our brains are wired to release blissful chemicals; dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins (sometimes referred to as D.O.S.E.) when we’re happy or when we feel fulfilled.

By focusing on gratitude instead of negativity, we’re actually making it easier for our brains to release those chemicals in the first place. A simple gratitude journal starts by writing down three things you’re grateful for each day and WHY, but there are other things that can be changed too.

Take a few minutes each day to still yourself and concentrate on what makes you happy; take up an exercise routine; eat more healthy foods; find someone to talk about your worries with the intent on finding a solution; try writing out problems without judging them and thank them for what they are teaching you about yourself – these might all sound like small changes, but they can add up quickly.

6. Mind Over Epigenetics

Self-healing is about more than a positive outlook and inner calm. Epigenetics is a hot field in medicine right now, with an increasing amount of research showing that our environment—our diet, our stress levels, and other factors from the time we were in utero—can have a huge impact on how our genes are expressed. Simply put, if you’re living with some form of chronic pain or illness, it might be because you’ve been expressing genes (or Hand-Me-Downs) that cause inflammation and pain.


How do healthy genes grow to be unhealthy? Our genes react to fit the environment that they are in causing illness and pain or health and happiness. So, if you experienced trauma, stress, or had a poor diet, your genes adapt to the negative environment that was circumstantially created or self-created. The good news is that science is making breakthroughs on how it can be reversed. Biohacking and energy healing start with changing making environments in which our genes feel safe to heal.

To heal illness, trauma, and pain we must give our bodies the opportunity to heal themselves by being in a healthy environment. How? By strengthening the mindset that we allow healing to take place, that we know how to heal and that we are already healed. When we shift our mindset and belief system that we are healed then the unconscious mind allows the body to respond accordingly.  This assists in creating the right environment for your body’s processes to function and heal itself.

“So the process of change in the meditative model requires unlearning and relearning. It requires breaking the habit of the old self and reinventing a new self. What we say in neuroscience pruning synaptic connections and sprouting new connections. Un-firing and unwiring and re-firing and rewiring. Un-memorizing emotions that are stored in the body and then reconditioning the body to a new mind to a new emotion. No longer signaling the same genes in the same way but signaling new genes in new ways.”

Dr. Joe Dispenza, Heal Documentary

Believing that you will succeed is the most powerful step to take in any journey.

Before we dive into the nuts and bolts of how to hack any habit, it’s important to believe that you can. Everyone knows it’s easy to start something but hard to keep going. So let’s pregame our success. We’ll begin by coming up with a plan for how you will succeed and then move on to find out what is stopping you from making progress. It’s these hurdles that usually trip us up in the most seemingly simple tasks in life.

Help from a Medium

If you’re interested in personalized bio-hacking with a coach, choose someone who understands both human and natural behavior and mind-body patterns. This is crucial because most ailments are uniquely created and thus are locked in a personal patterning that can be traced back to negative experiences or perceptions of the energy surrounding either yourself or another person. A well-trained biohacking intuitive medium will be able to work with you on a physical level—and then direct you towards spiritual associations that are causing negative effects. Bio-hacking works best when it is a part of an overall healthy lifestyle.

Remember that no two people have exactly the same biological makeup; some things might work wonders for one person but do nothing for another. Sometimes it’s best to get help from an experienced medium to help channel past and present blockages that may be holding you back. How will you know what to work on if you don’t know where to start? Working with someone like Karina will help you gain an understanding of where to start and what to focus on in your healing journey.


5 Bio-Hacking Supplements to Enhance Your Results


Energy Healing 101: An Introduction to Energy Healing