5 Bio-Hacking Supplements to Enhance Your Results

How many supplements do you take every day? Some people don’t take any, while others are taking 10 or more per day! There are literally thousands of dietary supplements on the market, and it can be overwhelming to figure out which ones are best to improve your health, fitness, energy levels, mental performance, etc. To help you sort through the various supplements available, here are 5 supplements to enhance your biohacking results.

5 Supplements to enhance biohacking

1) Magnesium


The human body uses about half of our daily magnesium as it regulates various biochemical processes, including protein synthesis and energy production. Magnesium supplements are great for biohackers because they are natural, safe, and work in a variety of ways (such as reducing stress levels, improving recovery time, and increasing testosterone levels).

2) Fish Oil

Fish Oil

Fish oil supplements are one of our most recommended supplements for bio-hackers, as they’re natural and very safe. They contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids that have been shown to have various health benefits. Be sure to get 100% pure fish oil, not just fish oil with vitamin D or some other cheap imitation (more on why below).

Nature’s Bounty Fish Oil

3) Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is one of those supplements that doesn’t quite receive as much attention as it deserves. Too many people are deficient in vitamin D, which is needed for strong bones and a healthy immune system. It allows your body to absorb more calcium, while also reducing inflammation throughout your body—which can help you avoid chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease.

4) Creatine


Creatine is a naturally occurring compound found in animal-based protein sources such as meat, eggs, and fish. Creatine enables muscle cells to regenerate ATP (the primary form of energy used by your muscles) faster than normal. According to research published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, taking approximately 20g of creatine per day can increase both strength and size gains during training when combined with exercise.

5) Organ

Organ Supplements

One way to boost your results is by taking an organ supplement. These supplements are known as organ-specific because they target just one organ in your body. Usually made from high-quality grass-fed beef liver historically known to be packed full of “vitamins, minerals, proteins, and healthy fats that support optimal collagen synthesis (think skin, hair, and connective tissues), strong immune function, methylation, and heart, brain, and liver health.” – Ancestral Supplements

Ancestral Supplements Grass-Fed Beef Organs

Get a deeper understanding of what your mind and body need with a free consultation.

Energy readings and personal coaching with The Heart of Wellness can help provide critical insight into what your body and mind need and where to start your biohacking journey. Contact us today for a free consultation.


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